Thursday, May 7, 2009

Reflections Journal, Week 16

7. What are your suggestions for improving the design of this course?

I really think that adding more variety to the design would reach more students. While the content was great, the execution got old. Also I think reflections should be done anonymously.

Resource Log, Entry 81-85

#81 - Schulz, J., Sielaff, M., & Tuf, S. (Eds.). (2008). Toolbox for it. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from

#82 - GoogleMaps. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from

#83 - Flickervision. (2007). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from

#84 - The Influence of Constructivism on the Instructional Practices of Teachers by Jason Schall

#85 - Assessment in a Constructivist Classroom

Reflections Journal, Week 15

6. Please comment about building quizzes and answer keys, and on grading your peers. Did you learn or gain anything valuable from these experiences? Please explain.

Not really, as this is something I am all too acquainted with. It was deeply troubling to have others ignore the “rules” set forth by the instructors in accordance with question/answer design. It really made me angry to see one of my classmates break this rule. And worse, defend it after I responded with the proof that this rule existed. I was really shocked that someone could argue so much against something that was clearly incorrect. I too wanted to be sure I provided the correct type of questions for my section, so I Googled, "Objective Questions," just to be clear. Too much work for such silly problems....

Resource Log, Entry 76-80

#76 - Bloom, J. W. (2006). Background to curriculum: historical definitions. The exploring science site. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from

#77 - American Psychological Association, January 18, 2006. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from

#78 - Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. (2004). Curriculum foundations: Principles and theory (4th ed). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. - A super fantastic book on Curriculum!

#79 - Wikipedia Mashup. (2009). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from

#80 - WikiCrimes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from;jsessionid=FC943340FA1340195B66DAB67F24A1A6

Reflections Journal, Week 14

4. Please compare the experience of doing research and authoring a textbook for a class (like this one) versus the traditional way of reading and studying an assigned textbook for a class.

I prefer reading and studying a text, as I don’t believe that authoring was the experience this class was intended to teach. I feel awfully narrowminded saying this, but I really do thrive in classes that are more stuctured in content as opposed to what we did this semester.

5. As a result of your experience in this class, are you more likely or less likely to assign collaborative wiki writing assignments in your teaching situation? Please explain the reasons you are more or less likely to do so.

I would, but not for an entire course of study. I think these Wiki's are a great idea! I'd love to see students do a collaborative work on a particular area of study. But in order to reach more learning preferences I'd like to add images or perhaps a video to the mix.

Resource Log, Entry 71-75

#71 - This website discusses increased student responsibility in constructivist classrooms and several of the instructional tools used in constructivist classrooms that relinquish the responsibility of learning and constructing new knowledge to the student.

#72 - This is an excerpt from a WikiBook about constructivism. I thought it was relevant to our topic because this section focuses on the learner as an individual and the responsibility of learning. URL -

#73 - This is an excerpt from a paper entitled “Constructivism”. This paper was published on a website. I think it was published by Georgia State University. I thought this piece of the paper related to our topic because it discusses student initiative in constructivism.

#74 - This website disscuss constructivism in within the realm of K-12 education.

#75 - - This website is a Wiki on constructivist teaching methods.

Reflections Journal, Week 13

3. Please comment on your experience of others (e.g. WikiBook editors, external experts, other Internet surfers) observing and / or critiquing your writing in the WikiBook.

I didn’t really have any experiences like this. Only the instructors seemed to make comments. This is something I think I would have like to do more of. In past online classes we would have discussions and reply back to 3-5 classmates. I always found the feedback helpful and interseting. Every once in a while someone would bring something to the table that was a true treasure of information.

Resource Log, Entry 66-70

#66 - Hyslop-Margison, E. (2004). Technology, human agency, and Dewey's constructivism: Opening Democratic spaces in virtual classrooms. Australian Journal of Educational Technology. 20(2), 137-148. Retrieved from North Carolina State Board of Education (2000). The North Carolina Educational Technology Plan 2001-2005. [viewed 3 Jul 2003, verified 16 Mar 2004]

#67 - Learning Theory (education) (2009, Mar. 2). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from

#68 - Levine, P. (2005, May 02). On "constructivism" in education. Message posted to

#69 - Piaget, J. (1973). Jean Piaget - Intellectual Development. Retrieved Mar. 2, 2009 from

#70 - This WikiText discusses how the social construction of knowledge aids an individual’s own personal construction of knowledge. URL -

Reflections Journal, Week 12

2. Please evaluate the emphasis on collaboration in writing the WikiBook Chapters.

As all the grading was done in a way that was individualized, I was fine with collaboration. It was hard in some ways to work around different schedules when due dates were expired. Overall, I had no problem with collaboration, and for the most part I had fantastic partners. Everyone was concerned with one thing - making it correct even if that meant doing more that thier assigned job.

Resource Log, Entry 61-65

#61 - Adams, S. & Burns, M. (1999). Learning as a Brief Personal Event: A Brief Introduction to Constructivism. In Connecting Student Learning and Technology,

#62 - Constructionism (learning theory). (2008, December 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from

#63 - Gagnon, G.W. & Collay, M. (n.d.). Constructivis Learning Design. Retrieved Mar. 2, 2009 from

#64 - Hein, G.E. (1996). Constructivist Learning Theory. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from Institute for Inquiry. Website:

#65 - Hunter, J. (2003). Learning and Teaching Styles. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from

Reflections Journal, Week 11

1. Please describe your overall experience in this course? Was the course effective in getting you to "learn about constructivism by doing and experiencing constructivist instructional methods?”

By only producing Wiki chapters I failed to see how this class taught by experiences, unless authoring was the experience this class was intended to teach. I really would have liked to have had more discussions and sharing’s about experiences. This is the first class I've had at Webster that was so narrow in what was produced as a class. I hope that this was an expermental class and that the scope will be widened.

Resource Log, Entry 56-60

#56 - This website acts as a bio for Seymour Papert and his works.

#57 - - This website is on Constructivism and the founding fathers of constructivism.

#58 - Papert, S. (2005). You Can’t think about thinking without thinking about thinking about something. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 5(3/4). Available:

#59 - This website is on Socretes and his method and the methods of instruction that his views and theories helped to generate.

#60 - Educational Broadcasting Corporation. (2004). What is the History of Constructivism and How has it Changed Over Time? In Concept to Classroom Workshop: Constructivismas a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning (Explanation),