Thursday, March 26, 2009

Resource Log, Entry 26-30

#26 - There is a website,, that discusses the dawn of Educational Psycology and the impact it has has on the field of Education. While I realize that this isn't exactly what we're looking for, I see a parellel in what we know and think of cirriculum today and the impact that has occured since educational psycology has evolved. I didn't paste pieces of this website into this document because I would have ended up pasting the entire thing here. It had a lot of really good information for the impacts ofpsycology in and on curriculum.

#27 - There is a website called Connecting Student Learning and Technology. This is an interactive guide on technology intergration. From the site, "Constructivism, a learning theory informed by cognitive psychology, educational research, and neurological science, views learning as the product of experience and social discourse."

#28 - There is a website called Concept to the Classroom. It has a workshop on it called, "Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning." This workshop has a great look at the history of Constructivism, the website says, "The concept of constructivism has roots in classical antiquity, going back to Socrates's dialogues with his followers, in which he asked directed questions that led his students to realize for themselves the weaknesses in their thinking. The Socratic dialogue is still an important tool in the way constructivist educators assess their students' learning and plan new learning experiences."

#29 - I found a website called, "The Socratic Method and Doctrine." This was about Socreties and his foundations of instruction that mirrored what we call Construnctivism today.

#30 - I found an online journal called, "Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education." The article was called, "You Can’t Think About Thinking Without Thinking About Thinking About Something," and it was a wealth of information on teaching children to think. The entire article focuses on cognition.

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